封面人物 Coverstory Mingdao Part 5 of 5 - 2005封面人物 Coverstory Mingdao Part 5 of 5 - 2005 Host: It’s heart broken to hear that. Luckily you don’t have a girlfriend now! (Do you have one? Or maybe call her afterward, saying that – I was lying on the show!)MD: My friend told 辦公室出租me that I have a “self protection wall” since childhood. He said“The one you love most is yourself, you won’t do things that are detrimental to yourself.  Once you find someone is not in your best interest, you will remove yourself from that person”. Therefore, he said you like yourself the most, the second is your 買屋family members, because you live with them since you were a kid, you are willing to give them everything”.  For example, I do have second thought when I am getting a 200 NTD worth magazine; but if they want 200,000 NTD, I’d probably give it to them right away.  “Then, the third one is you like your job.” He 景觀設計said having a girlfriend is not on your top 3 list. The trend becomes more obvious when I am getting older. Host: So, you won’t involve two girls at the same time? It is wasting time, right?MD: Yes, indeed. I think it is too much work seeing two girls at the same time. It is just like having one meal with you then I need to 建築設計have another meal with her, so tiresome!  Besides, how could I do that? Going out with a mask? I don’t have the luxury to go out with any girl nowadays, who wants to go out with me?Host: Are you afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi? There should be lot of people following you, right?MD: I don’t feel 借貸that.  Since the last time (I was photographed), I had the windows of my car tinted.  Although it is pretty useless, it gives me a sense of control.  What else could I do?Host: So, you just let them?MD: I am not that cautious, I don’t even know if there is anyone following me.  Right, that’s another 票貼part of the reason that I won’t see two girls at the same time because I am not a discreet person.Host: So, you will consider another older girl as another potential date/girlfriend?MD: Not particularly.  I’m 25, almost 26 now, 26 vs. 30 and 20 vs. 24 are different, I think. It’s not necessary that I need to date an 長灘島older girl, I really don’t know.Host: But based on your past experiences, there are advantages to such type of relationship? (Meaning girls are more mature than boys).MD: Yes, it is.Host: Maybe you will meet someone younger but mature enough, still ok with you.?MD: I don’t really pay attention to age, older or younger. I 吳哥窟talk to them first, if it feels good, then I continue to talk because normally I don’t talk much.  I talk when I can learn something, when I advise people something or when I am very happy, talk like an idiot when I talk to very close friends.  That’s very limited maybe less than 10 persons.  So, if someone 帛琉can attract me to talk to her further, that means we have the same frequency and it is very important.Host: Thanks for joining our show, wish you bring back the next award for best male actor.MD: I hope so, thanks. - The end -

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