夢想§ A dream § A dream is a beautiful vision That looks beyond what you can 永慶房屋see Then litts you & quicks you & Grows strong inside you To help you be all 住商房屋you can be. A dream is a daring adventure A dream is a journey to carry you 太平洋房屋far- For when you can hold a dream in your heart. you surely can reach any 東森房屋star ! A dream is your door to tomorrow A secret refliection of you A 21世紀房屋仲介threshfold that leads to a wonderful future Where nothing’s too good to be 有巢氏房屋true… 夢想 夢想是美麗的遠景, 能見未見之事的能力 夢想提升你,加速你,在你內心好房網茁壯 幫助你發揮最大潛能 夢想是勇敢的冒險,是遙遠的旅程 當你心中懷有夢想,定能如租屋願摘星 夢想是通往明日之門,你內心的倒影 通往美好未來的門檻,美夢終將成真… P.S:租屋網這是我在家裡的杯子上看到的小詩非常喜愛, 翻成中文與大家共享不過還是英文的比較夠591力!祝福大家都能美夢成真喔!

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